《熱帶季風Vol.2》國際經典紀實漫畫介紹,由陳蘊柔為我們介紹了 《白狼——極右派地下組織的圖像報導》,同時,作者也為本篇的寫作簡單採訪了編劇兼CORRECT!VE的出版負責人David Schraven先生。由於紙本篇幅的關係,我們將這篇Q&A放在網上供大家閱讀。
In Monsoon Vol.2, author Chen Yun-Rou present a graphic investigation work : White Wolf, published by an independent media CORRECT!VE, for our reader, here is an extra Q&A with the author David Schraven, if you want to read more about this, please contact us and buy a copy of Monsoon Vol.2!
A:我們非常驚喜。這本書原本是想透過一間大出版社出版,但對方希望我們能夠把書的口味改淡一點,還想刪去許多內容,所以我們跟對方解約,把書拿回來自己出版。幸虧書賣得很好,期間已經再刷六次,賣出數千本。這本書得到的迴響極佳,我們甚至因這本書得到德國記者獎(Deutscher Reporterpreis),這對我們來說是極高的榮譽。
Q: How has the German book market responded to White Wolf?
A: We’ve been delighted. Originally we wanted to distribute it through a major publisher, but they wanted us to tone the content down, and to delete quite a lot, so we stopped working with them to publish it ourselves. Fortunately it’s sold well and there have been six printings with thousands of copies sold. The response has been fantastic, we even got a journalism award, the Deutscher Reporterpreis, which was a huge honor for us.
Q: How did you work with the artist during the production process?
A: I’d discuss the details of the story with the artist, then I’d describe each scene and the artist would produce a draft sketch. Then the artist would produce finished drawings, and I would add in the text. And very quickly we had finished the whole book.
Q: There are many examples of European editors and publishers getting death threats because of cartoons. Is publishing a book like this dangerous?
A: We did want to have an exhibition for the book, to be held in a Berlin art gallery. However the gallery cancelled the show just days before it was due to open, as they were scared of being attacked. So we moved it to our own offices and invited the public in. It was a success, and the exhibition later toured to more than 40 cities. I think as reporters we shouldn’t be intimidated. If we don’t dare to tell the truth, how can the public trust us?
Q: Do you have plans for more graphic investigations?
A: Yes, we’re currently working on one about drug abuse, corruption and violence against women in the German federal parliament. That’s due to be published in the autumn of 2018.